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Scole C of E Primary Academy

Scole C of E Primary Academy



We seek to be an inclusive academy, welcoming children from all backgrounds and of all abilities and this admissions policy reflects this. A child’s level of achievement or specific needs are not a barrier to admission to the academy.

If you are interested in your child joining our school. Please speak to the school office and we would be happy to give you a tour.

Once a place has been offered we will seek to discuss children and their individual needs with parents before they are admitted to the academy and seek to make any reasonable adjustments to accommodate all children.

Children begin Reception in the academic year in which they become 5. The academic years run from September to August.

The Local Authority uses an online system for applications  https://www.norfolk.gov.uk/admissions from November to January

The Local Authority considers all applications, allocates places and notifies parents. The criterion applied are as follows:

1. Children living nearest to the school who:

i. Hold a Statement or Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP) naming the school or who are in Local Authority Care.

ii. Have a brother/sister already at the school.

iii. Have no brother/sister at the school.

2. Children living outside the school area who:

i. Have a brother/sister at the school.

ii. Attend feeder schools.

iii. Have no brother/sister at the school.

Where parents are seeking to have their child admitted part way through an academic year, they need to make applications directly to the Local Authority.

If the school is oversubscribed, the Local Authority will handle appeals.

You can apply online, and find further information, at:

Norfolk – https://www.norfolk.gov.uk/admissions