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Scole C of E Primary Academy

Scole C of E Primary Academy



History encourages pupils to gain a coherent knowledge of Britain's past and that of the wider world to develop respect. We aspire to create a sense of wonder in our lessons and, where possible, use artefacts to inspire pupils’ curiosity about the past by giving them hands-on experience. History allows children to begin understanding the world around them through their own and others’ experiences, while developing an understanding of key historical events. 

Throughout the Early Years Foundation Stage, children are able to understand history through lived and tactile experience in ‘Understanding the World’. The Ark Curriculum Plus history curriculum provides the children with a knowledge-rich, comprehensive curriculum that has been strategically sequenced to ensure a broad and effective learning experience for all pupils, while fully aligning with the National Curriculum. Each unit of work is underpinned by a clear rationale and conceptual rigour. Where connections are meaningful, links between the subjects have been embedded to ensure pupils gain a rich understanding from both a historical and geographical perspective.

Our history curriculum enables pupils to acquire a breadth of knowledge: of places and people, and significant events through time. Pupils will be given the opportunity to develop their ability to ask perceptive questions, think critically, analyse evidence, examine arguments, develop judgement, and understand differing perspectives. Understanding history will enable all students to leave primary school equipped with an understanding of the past that paves the way for their future. 

In history we consider how things in the world could be different if the course of events had been different; for example what would the world be like if the Vikings didn’t invade England in 793 CE? Throughout all our learning, it is important for children to demonstrate respect and tolerance for people of different times and cultures. The children will also reflect and form their own opinions on the impact different religions have had throughout history. 


We use the Oxford Owl History Mastery scheme to ensure that pupils not only have broad and strong substantive knowledge—a coherent picture of the past—but also have understanding of the discipline of history. The content of the  history curriculum is structured so that pupils learn substantive content (the ‘what’) and disciplinary content (the ‘how’) at the same time; pupils learn both historical ‘facts’ and how to make sense of them simultaneously.